Friday, May 22, 2020

War CANNOT Be Justified by any Party or any Reason Essay

Have you heard about Korean War, which occurred in June, 25, 1950? The conflict between ideologies caused this war with tens of millions killed, millions of families separated, the country reduced to rubble, and a huge permanent scar on Korea’s culture. Then, Vietnam War, Gulf War, or Iraq war can sound familiar to you. Let’s change point to the number of dead bodies from wars themselves. Can you guess how many people got killed during all of those war periods? Only for Vietnam War, the true civilians of Vietnam War were two millions in the north, and another two millions in the south, and military causalities were 1.1 million killed and six hundreds thousand wounded during war. To finish a war, how many innocent people and soldiers have†¦show more content†¦The damage of wars is way too much that it should never happen under any circumstance. No one should ever initiate a war and claim it justified. Let’s see why war should not be justified. First of all, war is nothing but bloodthirsty killer. During Iraq War period, 172 U.S. and British combatants were killed fro m March 20 to May 1 and another 222 died between May 2 and October 20. The number of civilians killed during war is between 5,708 and 7,356. The major unknown is the number of Iraqi military deaths during the war and it was estimated as low as 13,500 or as much as 45,000 soldiers. Furthermore, at least 20,000 civilians were injured. If protecting national interests or achieving diplomatic goals is a just cause then which party has a just cause between Iraqi people and U.S. or British army? Basically, all of them have their own just causes arising from their national profits. Then, can you say that soldiers, no matter which party they belong, are guilty because of killing people? The answer is â€Å"No,† because, for soldiers, killing enemies is related to more likely legal defense than any other reasons. The point is that all the people, who are relate d with this cruel action, are nothing but innocent victims. People are just born with nationality not by their willing or choice whether they like it or not and therefore they acquire the ideology that is prevailing in their birth countries as they grow up. No matter what country they are from or what ideologyShow MoreRelatedSocial Policy, Social Welfare, and the Welfare State11346 Words   |  46 Pagescompetition? Conclusion: Has the ‘golden age’ of the welfare state passed? FURTHER READING USEFUL WEBSITES ESSAY QUESTIONS 8 8 8 10 12 13 13 15 15 17 17 18 19 20 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 25 26 ââ€"   ââ€"   ââ€"   ââ€"   ââ€"   8 T HE ORIGI NS , CHARACTER, AND PO L I T I C S O F MO D E R N S O C I A L W E L F A R E S Y S T E MS Introduction There are many, particularly social science, disciplines in which questions to do with social policy and the welfare systems of Britain and other countries are likely to be relevant. 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